Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yet another blog about IT!


Nowadays, it is almost impossible to even go to toilet without IT is mentioned. We have electrical toilet seats, for few years (when IPv6 comes into play) every toilet paper holder will have IP address for some reason.

Enough with jokes, there are many blogs and sites about particular IT subjects... But, how many of them are serious and how many have the quality. They often don't provide insight to most of aspects in IT. Here, we will try to concentrate on basic topics from A to Z, we will try to provide as many tutorials as we can. Who knows maybe, if we have good start, we form community and forum and many many more things... :)

We are opened for suggestions of any kind, so please comment, e-mail us, shout, ...
And if You think we're wrong @ any subject, topic, etc... feel free to comment that as well.

Have nice reading!

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